Eight Facebook Surprising Facts

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, November 8, 2012 1 comments

Are you facebook lover? Facebook is the most favorite social networking for everyone. It’s really popular and realizes it or not, sometimes it could make you feel addictive. Not only teenage, seven years old kid, career woman, celebrity, student and even the grandmother next door is addictive to facebook too. Well, that’s why facebook could be a controversy sometimes. 

Below are eight facebook surprising fact that you need to know:

1.     25% of Facebook Users End The Relationship through Facebook
In June 2010 the survey was conduct for 1,000 facebook users. Based on the survey, 70% amongst were male and 25% of them end their relationship through facebook. Moreover, 21% of them ended their relationship by changing their status on facebook to "single".

2.     Facebook Banned Breastfeeding Photos
This fact had made many mothers angry with this social networking site. Once in time, facebook banned photos of breastfeeding mothers because it was considered too vulgar.  It was mired in controversy and protests among the mothers because they believed there are still a lot of photos of profile picture or facebook ads are much more vulgar than just a mother breastfeeding photos.

3.     Al Pacino is The First Face Uploaded on Facebook
Do you ever see the picture/ logo of sad-looking man in the old facebook site? The logo is actually the picture of Al Pacino's face when he was young. This picture was uploaded by a friend of Mark Zuckerberg and his classmate, Andrew McCollum.

facebook, facebook fact

4.     More than 350 Million People Suffering Facebook Addiction
Facebook was causing a kind of new disease called FAD or Facebook Addiction Disorder. FAD is a term introduced by U.S. Psychologists for those who addicted to facebook and his life is really influenced by facebook socially. The effects of this disease are the loss of productivity, inability to concentrate, lack of sophistication, and isolated from the outside world. Well, it’s sounds scary, isn’t it?

5.     Most of Facebook User Has 130 Fiends
How many facebook friend you have? How many of them you really know and how any you don’t know at all? Based on the survey, friend of facebook users usually is about 130 friends. In this case, female facebook users generally have less number of friends than male facebook user. Though the number of friend is averagely in hundreds number, most of facebook user only interact regularly with 4-7 of their friends only.

6.     Facebook users have lower grades in school
Aryn Karpinski of Ohio State University and Adam Duberstein of Ohoio Dominican University did a research showing students who frequently use social networking sites have their school achievement significantly much lower than those who do not actively use or not use facebook at all.

7.     36% User Checking their Facebook Accounts After Having Sex
Research conducted by Retrevo in October 2009 declared that social networking sites become increasingly important for their social life. This survey also explained that 36% claimed to always check their facebook account after having sex!

8.     Facebook Causes 1 of 5 Divorce
This is really bad fact of facebook influence. The survey presented by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reported there was a big divorce case because of facebook user use facebook as the media affair. This survey also show that facebook had caused one of five divorces


Magic: Laugh with Your Lover Bring These Benefits!

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments
No doubt, laughter is one amazing thing which is very essential in life. One day without laughter is very sadness day. Along with relationship, laughter is one thing must. It is not only healthy laugh with our couple, smiling and laughter will build your relationship stronger and increase the intensity of closeness between you and the couple.

benefit of laugh, magic laugh, laugh with couple

Magic: Laugh with Your Lover Bring These Benefits!  Check out the following list too know the benefit of laughing with your lover:

1.     Reduce Pain
Laughing is the most healthy activity and the best medicine for various kinds of disease. Laughing has the positive role for healthy. Moreover, when the couple laugh together, hormone endorphin is released. Hormone endorphin is the substance proven to reduce pain.

2.     Multiple Benefits for Heart Health
dr. SK Gupta, a Senior Consultant from Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals said, "Laughter is an exercise for the heart and lungs. When someone laugh, the heart beat increases and the brain can work more relaxed ". Laughing bring multiple benefit for heart health.

3.     Strengthen The Relationship
Laughter is the best communication in relationship. You can put laugh side by side between conversation and it will bring positive impact for your relationship. Relationship that contain a lot of laugh and smile had proven become long lasting than those who only serious and have common communication.

4.     Healing Stress
Laughing reduce your stress level significantly. Don’t believe?? You should laugh out laugh now when you feel deep down or stressful, then what you feel?? You feel better, right?? In relationship, laughter can reduce the stressful between the couple and calm the relationship, especially when you both involve in fight or debate.


Hypertension: Reduce The Risk of Hypertension

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments
Hypertension is one of most killer disease in the world. This disease often attack without symptom, people will know they had hypertension only when they check their blood tension. Healthy blood pressure is about 120/80. Based on the research, 90% of hypertension patient is on 30-50 years old person, but currently hypertension also could attack person in young age.

There are many factors cause hypertension, such as genital, obesities, lifestyle and food. Before hypertension attacks us, we should reduce the risk that we can avoid this disease earlier. How to reduce the risk of hypertension naturally?? Well, follow this tips…

1.     Be careful with salty food
Salty food is food that strongly caused hypertension. If you had already diagnosed of hypertension, be careful in salt usage or consuming salty food. You also need to avoid food contains natrium salt sych as processed food in instant vegetable, canny fish, instant noodle, etc, sauce bottle, biscuit, snack and more.

2.     Avoid Soybean
Soybean is healthy food, but not for hypertension patient. Soybean consist of enzyme protease which make the work of ACE ( Angiotension-1 Covertting Enzyme ) became slower. ACE is increasing the blood pressure source.

3.     Isotonic Exercise
Isotonic exercise is light exercise such as walking, jogging and swimming. Isotonic exercise can help you fight against hormone noradrenaline that cause hypertension.

4.     Healthy Food
hypertension, hypertension symptom, reduce hypertension, risk of hypertension
Consume fresh fruit slowly 20-30 minutes before your lunch/ dinner/ breakfast. Some fruits contain extra water, beta carotene, fiber, lycopene and vitamin C are healthy supplement reducing your blood pressure. Moreover consume another healthy food such as vegetable will keep you healthy and away from disease.

5.     Keep your Weight Balance
Remember, obesity could increase the risk of hypertension. So it is very important to keep your weight in balance. Keep eating normal and reduce unhealthy food.
6.     Meditation will Make You Calm
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology said meditation has superb benefit. One os them will be very useful for hypertension patient. Regular meditation will make patient become much more relax, calm and fresh. This will give strong impact to your blood pressure to reduce it level.


How to get Healthy and Beauty Sleep??

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It is very important to have beauty sleep for our health. Beauty sleeping will give us many benefit, especially related our health and skin. As the expert recommendation, time for good sleep is about 8 hours. The problem, sometimes sleep disorder comes in the wrong time and really disturbing, especially if we were so stressful for the whole day.  Some people try to cure it by drug and some other do special treatment. Well, actually there is simple and easy ways to get healthy and beauty sleep for instance. It is very naturally way and you don’t have to consume medicine with side effect that you may hate it.

1.     Consume Banana Fruit
Banana is known as the versatile fruit because it has many benefit related our health. Banana contains potassium and magnesium substance that very useful to make good quality sleeping. Both substances are also relaxing our muscles. To get beauty sleeping, you could consume one banana before you sleep.

2.     Stay away from Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine will stimulate your muscle to keep working and make you awake. If you want to get beauty sleeping, you really have to avoid coffee, cigarette, etc, and alcohol too.

overcome sleep disorder, beauty sleep, healthy sleep

3.     Healthy Beverages
Instead of drinking alcohol, you should drink healthy beverages contains vitamin and mineral. Both substances has known with it beneficial in reducing stress and relaxing tense nerves. One of healthy beverages is Chamomile Tea. Chamomile Tea is very good for your health because contains theanin, the mineral which bring the calming effect. Drink a glass of milk, yoghurt or chamomile before go to sleep will help you have a good quality sleep and feel fresh for tomorrow.

4.     Make a Habit Activity before Sleeping
Based on research, have a particular habit will help your body stimulate your brain to do the same action. For example, you used to clean your face before sleeping. If you do regularly as the habit, this will help you to asleep easier. Moreover, make sure that you don’t have too many activities to do in the night because it can stimulate your muscle to be busy and hard to asleep. Just relax J.

5.     Consume Carbohydrate, Sweet Foods or Almond before Sleeping
Carbohydrate, almond and sweet foods are very good food to consume before you sleep. They are make you drowsy and fall asleep easily. However, these foods are not recommended to be consumed every night because it can increase your weight significantly.


Attention: These are 10 SEO Mistakes!

Posted by Unknown On 1 comments
SEO, Search Engine Optimization is one of most important tool to improve your blog performance. Good SEO could guarantee your website having big number of visitor and getting good position in search engine, also good pagerank and alexarank. SEO Tutorial is spread everywhere on google search, so let me share you one of most favorite blogger SEO tips, Attention:These are 10 SEO Mistakes!

If you do a lot of SEO mistakes about your blog, soon you can see the impact, your SEO quality decrease, you lost your pagerank and visitor. It’s sounds very scary, isn’t it?? Well, here are 10 SEO Mistake you must hide according SEOmoz’s writer, Lindsay.

1.     Title Tag
Remember, ignore title tag could be your SEO failure. Tag is your blog identity. Check you title tag of your blog, it should have specific theme and title.

2.     Never Update
You should away from this lazy statement, “regular update is needed for new website only. Well, this statement is wrong, wrong and wrong! Doing optimization such as regular posting is very important, not only for new blog/ website, but also for the older one. If you do regular update, search engine crawl your website well regularly. Remember, there are thousand new website everyday on the internet. If you ignore how important to keep your content fresh, then time will killing you.

3.     The Importance of Keywords
Keyword is the key for the visitor divert to your site. Good keyword will bring more visitor to your website and also increase your SEO performance. Example, using keyword of “SEO Tips” or “SEO secret” is much better than keyword of “Something related to SEO”.

4.     Image on Header
Well, I understand that you will be very happy when your blog looks very impressive when using an image in the heading and menu. But, according to the SEO, using image in the heading in menu is a big mistake because of tag menu H1, H2 and live link is very important and can’t easily replace by image.

5.     Backlink
Good quality backlink is always been much more important than number of backlink. So, do not do over expansion to hunt the backlink, but try to make good quality baclink.
SEO Tips, SEO tricks, SEO Mistake,blogging 
6.     Javascript/ Javascript Menu
Too many javascript could make your blog become so heavy. Using javascipt navigation also must be balanced by building a sitemap or placing link list. Only use as minimum as javascript and make sure, it’s really important stuff to apply to your blog.

7.     Live Link within Post
Well, live link is very important to be placed in post. Good post should have strong keyword in form of URL or called as live link. Live link will impact very good to your SEO performance.

8.     Less Keyword
Never doubt to use repeating keywords in your post. Keyword is the key of visitor finding your blog/ website from the search engine.

9.     Too much in Meta Tag
Meta tag is very important, even until now. But placing too many meta tag in your blog could categorize as spamming action and google may mark you as the spammer. Be wise to use meta tag.

10.  Forgetting HTML Alternative
Do you use flash basic for your website? Well, it means you need to provide HTML alternative. Website with flash basic, even it is attractive and creative, exactly doesn’t friendly with the search engine and the visitors. Moreover, search engine could not read flash content well that flash basic website will be harder to crawl. HTML Alternative will help you to deal with this.